Isn’t It Time You Moved Onto Your Life’s Next Chapter?

starting the next chapter

“Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty. “
Mother Teresa, 1985

For many, a break-up feels like a tsunami of emotions. Most of all, it’s an overwhelming sense of loss, a lot like mourning the death of a loved one. It’s a time when you grieve not just the relationship but also the future you once envisioned with that person.

Break-ups often come with a deep, aching emptiness that also includes feelings of confusion, rejection, and loneliness. It’s also a time when the heart feels heavy with sorrow. The emotions following a break-up often makes doing routine daily tasks challenging.

While struggling through the emotional pain of a break-up and trying to piece their life back together, some people get stuck in the process. When this happens, they find themselves unable to move forward.

But it Doesn’t Have to Be This Way Forever…

The biggest barrier to moving forward is spending too much time thinking about what was or what could have been. A shift toward thinking about what can and what will be is an important way to get through this roadblock.

Getting to the other side of feeling sad, lost and alone is usually easier said than done. But the key to moving on is finding ways to let go.

The process of letting go starts with seeing yourself as worthy of having a life of fulfillment, peace and joy surrounded by those who appreciate and respect your value.

Learn Ways to Navigate Your Break-up…

… with expert advice on how to embrace this next chapter of your life. Discover how letting go can lead to valuable insights, closure and opportunities to live well.

Frequently Asked Questions

While no two situations are the same, the following are commonly asked questions when it comes to break-ups:

Why Me?

Sh*t happens and it’s worse when it happens to you. Truthfully, break-ups don’t occur in a vacuum. There are always reasons even if you didn’t see it coming. Discovering the circumstances that lead to your break-up is the first step in resolving “why me” and then finally being able to let go.

Will I Always Feel This Way?

Recovering from a break-up takes time and everyone’s situation is different. Let yourself grieve; cry, rant and talk it out. Bottling up feelings will not speed the process; it will only mask your pain. Learn the coping strategies that are most helpful in moving forward.

Why Do I Feel So Lost?

A break-up can be a very destabilizing experience giving a whole new meaning to the phrase, “turning life upside down”! During this time, it’s quite common to feel overwhelmed, confused and lost. Fortunately, the intensity of feelings don’t last long, but feeling out of sort may persist.

How Can I Channel My Anger?

It’s normal to feel angry when a relationship ends. Sometimes people are surprised by how angry they feel following a break-up. The key is not to allow your anger to get out of control. Instead, use it to motivate you toward healthy and productive change.

How Do I Deal with Practical Issues?

A challenging part of a break-up is dealing with several practical issues such as living arrangements, joint possessions, credit cards and bank accounts. These can add to the stress you already feel. The best approach is to take it one step at a time and be open to reaching out to others for help along the way.

What About My Next Relationship?

Break-ups often take a big hit on one’s self esteem. It’s not unusual for many to feel they may never find another relationship. A word or warning – don’t rush into it! Take the time to heal by being kind to yourself and being mindful of your needs, you’ll be in a better position to take the next step when you’re ready.

Still Have More Questions?

Of course you do!

This is why I created the Next Chapter Blog where you’ll find articles on a wide range of topics ranging from coping with a break-up, to self-care, practical concerns, financial planning, starting over and even moving onto a new relationship.

Each week two new articles will be posted. If there is a specific topic you’d like to read about, feel free to leave your suggestion in the comments section at the bottom of each blog post.

It’s time to finally live your best life!

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